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This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Namespaces.

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform.

A single Namespace is still multi-tenant.


Namespaces are created on the Temporal Cluster, and provide a range of controls to achieve isolation on Workflow Executions.


Registering a Namespace creates the Namespace on the Temporal Cluster. When you register your Namespace, you must also set the Retention PeriodLink preview iconWhat is a Retention Period?

A Retention Period is the amount of time a Workflow Execution Event History remains in the Cluster's persistence store.

Learn more for the Namespace.

On Temporal Cloud, use the Temporal Cloud UI or tcld commands to create and manage Namespaces.

On self-hosted Temporal Cluster, you can register your Namespaces using tctl (recommended) or programmatically using APIs. Note that these APIs and tctl commands will not work with Temporal Cloud.

All SDKs require a Namespace on the Temporal Cluster (or Temporal Cloud) for their Client calls. If not set using Client options, the Workflow Client API looks for the default Namespace. If there is no default Namespace registered with your Temporal Cluster (or Temporal Cloud), all calls will throw errors. You must register your Namespace with the Temporal Cluster (or Temporal Cloud) before setting it in your Client.

On self-hosted Temporal Clusters, you can register your Namespaces in the following ways:

Note that registering a Namespace takes up to 15 seconds to complete. Ensure that you are waiting for this process to complete before making calls to the Namespace.

Manage Namespaces

Use a custom AuthorizerLink preview iconWhat is an Authorizer Plugin?


Learn more on your Frontend Service in the Temporal Cluster to set restrictions on who can create, update, or deprecate Namespaces.

On Temporal Cloud, use the Temporal Cloud UI or tcld commands to manage Namespaces.

On self-hosted Temporal Cluster, you can manage your registered Namespaces using tctl (recommended) or programmatically using APIs. Note that these APIs and tctl commands will not work with Temporal Cloud.


Set Namespaces in your SDK Client to isolate your Workflow Executions to the Namespace. If you do not set a Namespace, all Workflow Executions started using the Client will be associated with the "default" Namespace. This means, you must have a default Namespace called "default" registered with your Temporal Cluster. See Registration for details.

Global Namespace

A Global Namespace is a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more that exists across Clusters when Multi-Cluster ReplicationLink preview iconWhat is Multi-Cluster Replication?

Multi-Cluster Replication is a feature which asynchronously replicates Workflow Executions from active Clusters to other passive Clusters, for backup and state reconstruction.

Learn more is set up.

The Global Namespace feature enables Workflow Executions to progress through another Cluster in the event of a failover.

A Global Namespace may be replicated to any number of Clusters, but is active in only one Cluster at any given time.

For a failover to be successful, Worker Processes must be polling for Tasks for the Global Namespace on all Clusters.

A Global Namespace has a failover version. Because a failover can be triggered from any Cluster, the failover version prevents certain conflicts from occurring if a failover is mistakenly triggered simultaneously on two Clusters.

Only the active Cluster dispatches TasksLink preview iconWhat is a Task?

A Task is the context needed to make progress with a specific Workflow Execution or Activity Execution.

Learn more; however, certain conflicts are possible. Unlike regular Namespaces, which provide at-most-once semantics for an Activity Execution, Global Namespaces can support only at-least-once semantics (see Conflict resolutionLink preview iconWhat is Multi-Cluster Replication?

Multi-Cluster Replication is a feature which asynchronously replicates Workflow Executions from active Clusters to other passive Clusters, for backup and state reconstruction.

Learn more). Worker Processes on the standby Clusters are idle until a failover occurs and their Cluster becomes active.

Temporal Application API calls made to a non-active Cluster are rejected with a NamespaceNotActiveError which contains the name of the current active Cluster. It is the responsibility of the Temporal Application to call the Cluster that is currently active.